Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Four Challenges for a Climate-friendly Lifestyle


The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement sets the goal of limiting global temperature rise to well below 2°C and ideally 1.5°C. Achieving this will benefit both the planet and people. Reduce our carbon footprint is a mammoth undertaking that will require an all-of-society approach with changes at all levels. The research consortium "EU 1.5° Lifestyles", which is coordinated by RIFS, is launching a series of Citizen Challenges that will encourage people to try living more sustainably and share their success stories. 

Lifestyles challenge

The four challenges are part of the project’s online public outreach and help to disseminate its research findings. The challenges at a glance:

1) Go Car-Free! (October to November 2024)

This challenge encourages people to refrain from using their cars as often as possible and to instead walk, cycle or use public transport. There will also be a number of tips for moving about in the winter months. Lifestyle changes related to everyday mobility are among the most effective ways to reduce our carbon footprint.

2) The Winter Holiday Challenge (December 2024)

This challenge focuses on celebrating the Holiday Season with a smaller carbon footprint. Participants are encouraged to choose sustainable gifts and climate-friendly transport options.

3) The Food Challenge (January 2025)

In January, the focus is on nutrition. This challenge is about embracing plant-based nutrition and avoiding food waste – two changes that can significantly reduce your CO2 footprint.

4) Calculate Your CO2 Footprint - February 2025

In the final challenge, participants will take their first step towards a 1.5°-compatible lifestyle by calculating their carbon footprints and identifying the biggest factors. 

These challenges offer participants the opportunity to understand and reduce their impact on the environment. Participants are invited to share their experiences and submit their success stories online from mid-October 2024. 

The 1.5° Lifestyle Challenge will be held in Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Spain and Sweden.
Join in and become part of the movement for a more sustainable lifestyle! #ONEPOINTFIVECHALLENGE #ONEPOINTFIVEPOSSIBLE

The project partners adelphi research and the Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam are working together to implement the challenge in Germany.

Follow the 1.5C Lifestyles Challenges on:



Halliki Kreinin

Dr. Halliki Kreinin

Senior Research Associate
halliki [dot] kreinin [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
Sabine Letz

Sabine Letz

Press Officer
sabine [dot] letz [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
Dr. Bianca Schröder

Dr. Bianca Schröder

Press and Communications Officer
bianca [dot] schroeder [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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